Monday, May 23, 2011

Obama monitors response to Joplin, Missouri tornado from abroad

President Obama was in Ireland Monday, kicking off a week-long tour through Europe, but he is monitoring the aftermath of the Missouri,tornado that killed at least 89 people Sunday.
The president received multiple updates on the tornado damage throughout the course of his flight to Ireland, a White House official told reporters. He instructed his staff to keep him updated and to stay closely coordinated with state and local officials going forward.
Mr. Obama called Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon this morning "to personally extend his condolences and to express that all of the families of Joplin affected by the severe tornadoes are in his thoughts and prayers," according to White House spokesman Nicholas Shapiro. "The president assured the governor that FEMA [the Federal Emergency Management Agency] will remain in close contact and coordination with state and local officials."
The president has directed FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate to travel to Missouri to ensure the state has the support it needs. In addition, in anticipation of requests for assistance, a FEMA Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) is en route to Joplin, the White House said. This team will work with FEMA officials already in Missouri, as well as state and local officials, to identify disaster response needs.

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